Facts about our National Rail network

Some interesting information for you to ponder while you travel around our National Rail network on your BritRail Pass:

  • The furthest reaches of the National Rail Network are:
    • Most North Station: Thurso in Scotland
    • Most South Station: Penzance in Cornwall
    • Most West Station: Arisaig in Scotland
    • Most East Station: Lowestoft in Suffolk
  • The longest single journey on one train is from Aberdeen to Penzance, taking 13 and a half hours and covering 785 miles
  • There is 15,795 km (approx 9,820 miles) of track on the National Rail network 
  • With over 20,000 passenger services a day
  • Making over 1.5 billion passenger journeys per year
  • Operated by some 4,000 trains
  • Stopping at aproximately 2,500 railway stations around the country
  • All serviced by 23 different Train Operating Companies
  • (...plus a further 3 open access operators)
  • Other interesting facts:
    • Together there are an incredible 40,000 tunnels and viaducts in Britain
    • As well as around 9,000 level crossings...
    • ...and over 1,100 signal boxes!

Enjoy your journey!...