The BritRail Interactive Map

Hover over each BritRail travel zone to see where it covers.

BritRail Range In Brief:

BritRail Pass - travel all England, Scotland and Wales (all colours zones)

BritRail England Pass - travel around the whole of England (light blue and gray zones)

BritRail London Plus Pass - travel in the South East of England and out as far as Stratford Upon Avon, Bristol, Bath and Cambridge (gray zone)

BritRail Spirit of Scotland - travel around all Scotland including many ferry routes out to the islands (green, purple and pink zones)

BritRail Central Scotland Pass - travel between Glasgow and Edinburgh via some historical towns such as Striling, Linlithgow and Dunblane (purple zone)

BritRail Scottish Highlands Pass - travel around the Scottish Highlands by rail and also some ferry routes (pink zone)

BritRail South West Pass - travel from London (inc Heathrow) through to the South West of England, experience the beaches of Cornwall and the cream teas of Devon! (yellow zone)

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